It continually amazes me how many different systems and networks operate around us. Many of these operate individually while some interface with each other. The systems of growth and climate interact in seasons and growing cycles, while man made systems measure and record these events. Communication systems circle our planet and broadcast this information to be studied or stored. All these systems operate continually without most of us noticing or being aware of them.
Broadcasting using carrier waves is the invisible ether that is the highway for many of these networks. It forms a veil of electronic information which encodes and decodes information for scientific observations and entertainment networks. These systems form a dense, multi-layered landscape and depend upon protocols and bandwidths in order not to collide. Like air traffic corridors or roads they rely on a path or system to manage them.
Static is the name given to the consistent background currents of unmanaged information. It is also a word that is used for something still and unchanging.
The pulses and binary codes form discernable rhythms which are ordered and regular, these fit into narrow band widths, roads or paths of information. These codes are analogue or increasingly digitised languages.
These man made currents of information co-exist with the natural geomagnetic radio emitions from our planet and the surrounding stars and star systems. In my work I have sought to evoke the ordered paths of these transmissions and their juxtaposition with the natural background meter and rhythms of the universal emanations.
Painting provides a possibility for placing colour and mark and recording an event or happening. In the paintings for the series of works called rhythm I have used vertical banding to indicate an order or time line and the intervals and bandwidths to indicate the frequencies and oscillations. Beyond that order is the possibility for accident and invention as fields blend dissolve or collide.
Video Installation
A series of pieces that examines by using timelines and the medium of video to express the convergent patterns and rhythms prevalent around us.
Static is built around a recording which searches a long wave radio dial, scanning for interference. Through the process of searching I found many different pulses and rhythms which are part of the variety of electronic systems and networks that exist around us. This sound track provided a starting point for combining images which reflect different time signatures and visual meters. Occasionally the electronic static is interrupted by stations, sometimes revealing conversations which are coincidentally relevant.
Three Cross shows a journey of three individuals. At some point they converge. During their journey they inhabit and pass through a busy city environment, in which the different paces of the systems of transport and urban architecture work in counterpoint with our three pedestrians.
SPECTROGRAPH as an interlude to THREE CROSS is an excerpt from a sequence of graphical measurements showing solar activity over a 24 hour period.
A sequence of multi-layered and concurrent excerpts from film archive and documentary sources. Timelines are presented in counterpoint creating dynamic diversity. The composition combines subjects such as geophysics, ephemeral historical comment and scientific documentary to create a continual dialogue of changing meter.
The work uses a variety of different filmic formats, from early zoescope to digitised mpeg.